TRUMPF Group Managing Board .
TRUMPF sales revenues exceed € 4bn
At the close of the fiscal year 2021 / 22 on 30 June 2022 , the TRUMPF Group recorded the highest sales revenues in the company ’ s 99- year history to date with a strong increase in sales of 20.5 per cent to 4.2 billion euros . The order intake increased by 42.1 per cent to 5.6 billion euros ( fiscal 2020 / 21 : 3.9 billion euros ). At 468 million euros , the Group ’ s operating earnings before interest and taxes ( EBIT ) grew positively by 26.8 per cent compared to the previous fiscal year ( 370- million euros ).
TRUMPF was able to stabilise earnings through strong sales growth , particularly in the EUV business field , as well as by cutting non-personnel costs . As a result , it achieved an EBIT margin of 11.1 per cent ( previous year : 10.5 per cent ).
TRUMPF is a high-tech company offering manufacturing solutions in machine tools for sheet-metal processing and laser technology . It drives digital connectivity in manufacturing through consulting , platform products and software .
Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller , CEO of TRUMPF , commented : “ Thanks to our systematic crisis management , TRUMPF has weathered the pandemic well and has countered shortages in supply chains in the best possible way . As a result of the strong rise in demand in the second half of the year , we entered the new fiscal year with a high order intake . Nevertheless , there remains considerable uncertainty for the coming months as to how the supply-chain bottlenecks , high inflation , rising material and energy prices and transportation costs will impact our business .”
She also highlighted geopolitical uncertainties ( such as the war in Ukraine
Dr . phil . Nicola Leibinger- Kammüller , CEO , TRUMPF .
and tensions between the USA and China ), adding that “ we ’ re sensing growing restraint in demand in many markets .”
Sales and employees
During the reporting period , the TRUMPF Group ’ s sales share shifted away from Asia in favour of Europe and North America . The Netherlands becomes TRUMPF ’ s strongest single market , in terms of sales , for the first time . This increase corresponds to higher sales of 81.9 per cent and is attributable to the strong growth of the EUV business segment with TRUMPF ’ s client , ASML . The USA has become the Group ’ s second strongest market with 656 million euros . Germany , with 589 million euros in sales revenues , now ranks as its third largest market . The largest Asian single market , China , lagged behind strong growth in the previous year with an increase of 9.6 percent to 575 million euros and ranks fourth . The number of TRUMPF employees increased by nearly 2,000 during the period under review . New jobs were created again in the growth areas of EUV and Electronics . As of 30 June 2022 , the company employed 16,554 people globally . In Germany , the number of employees grew by 10.7 per cent to 8,417 . In the year under review , 521 young people
completed an apprenticeship or a co-op work-study programme , resulting in a training ratio of 3.3 per cent , which was slightly below the previous year .
The number of employees in research and development increased by 14.3 per cent to 2,623 . At 448 million euros , R & D expenditures were significantly higher than in the previous year ( 382 million euros ). In relation to the sharp rise in sales revenues , the development ratio fell slightly to 10.6 percent but remained at a very high level .
Environment and investment
In April 2022 , the TRUMPF Management Board decided on anticipatory gas reduction measures which continue to the present day . It has also implemented further climate protection measures in accordance with its climate strategy . In addition to increasing energy efficiency at locations worldwide , the focus is on increasing energy efficiency in the company ’ s own production by using process waste heat from production for heating . The company has also driven measures to improve the environmental footprint of its products .
While investment was scaled back in the previous fiscal year due to the pandemic , it increased again in the fiscal year 2021 / 22 . TRUMPF invested a total of 218 million euros ( previous year : 145 million euros ) in plots and buildings , technical facilities and operating and office equipment . In July 2021 , it increased its stake in the Dresden-based software company ZIGPOS GmbH to 51.3 per cent . In August 2021 , TRUMPF agreed on a strategic partnership with the Italian company STARMATIK S . r . l . and acquired a 25.1 per-cent stake . Its stake in SISMA S . p . A ., also based in Italy , was increased to 100 per cent at the turn of the year 2021 / 22 .
At the beginning of 2022 , TRUMPF acquired an 80 per cent stake in Active Fiber Systems GmbH ( AFS ) in Jena for further development of the ultrashort pulse laser portfolio . In May 2022 , it acquired the remaining 49 per cent in the Indian software developer , TRUMPF Metamation Private Limited . n
8 | ismr . net | ISMR November 2022