Andrea Dallan ( left ), CEO of DALLAN , and Alessandro Fagro , Marketing Manager , DALLAN , at EuroBLECH 2022 .
Thought-leadership initiatives
Andrea Dallan ’ s book , ‘ The Revolution of Efficiency ’, illustrates the rewards of being open to innovation as a manufacturer – reducing waste , increasing productivity , increasing quality and saving time , material and cost . Leveraging the four fundamental concepts of efficiency , productivity , flexibility and automation , and offering a wealth of practical tips and advice borne of experience , Andrea Dallan outlines several key principles of industrial success . Its concepts also apply to areas of production outside sheet-metal processing .
His new book , ‘ Think Thin ’, deals with the issues that he faces most frequently with his customers , especially in thin sheet-metal processing . The manual is divided into chapters that address different topics : the design of excellent thin-sheet products ; Industry 4.0 applied to sheet-metal production systems ; automatic product quality control ; the importance of software in advanced production systems etc .
“ Think thin also means thinking about business processes in terms of sustainability , productivity and profitability . It means knowing everything about the raw materials , the product , the process and data management to continuously improve the performance of your company . Think thin means knowing and using technologies that use all the material , saving up to and even over 20 % of raw material and 70 % of energy for the same product . In this new book , we discover that sustainable processes are also the most profitable for our companies and that automation makes all processes safer – and pandemicproof ,” concluded Andrea Dallan .
highlight specific chapters in the book . We also created a blog on manufacturing efficiency , which can be accessed ( along with other Academy services ) through our website .
Laser cutting has been a strong focus for us . In 2018 , we merged the DALCOS brand into DALLAN , but we are now adopting the DALCOS brand for coil punching and lasercutting lines as the brand for all DALLAN coilcutting technologies from 1 January 2023 . You are the first to know this , outside of DALLAN . We will launch a new website and new logo for this , so it is big news !
ISMR : Apart from the ones we have already discussed , are there any other market trends globally that you wish to highlight ?
AD : Since I wrote my first book about material efficiency and automation , I can see more people are now using our arguments to promote coil processing in general . I see more demand and requests now for coil-processing lines . We are being heard , which is great !
The sustainability of industrial processes , as well as resilience , is also becoming so much more important . Our commitment to spread efficiency and sustainability starts with our organisation . We continuously improve the efficiency of our processes , applying lean production principles , and we always invest in innovative and sustainable technologies .
Most of our annual energy consumption is covered by our 96,000 sq . ft . solar panel system on the roof of our headquarters in Italy . This innovative energy system produces great quantities of pure green energy every year , while reducing CO₂ in the environment .
There is also interesting potential in simulation technologies . Right now , Industry 4.0 is the number one focus for our software team .
ISMR : Thank you for your time . n
DALLAN ’ s LXN Revolution , a coil-fed , laser-cutting system .