The parent PLC group discussed how science seemed to be very distant in our everyday lives. This perceived distance might be the reason why many of our students do not feel comfortable with science. So we tried to connect science in our everyday lives. We found out that there were many aspects of our community which were related to science, such as our health, and the environment. To our dismay, when we tried to look at the big picture as a group, we found that knowledge regarding our health and the environment did not always filter down to all levels of society. This is directly related to the many inequalities that are present today. Thus, we began to plan a science and social justice event that would be open to the public. This would allow for Buffalo parents to become more knowledgeable about the environment around them as well as about our individual environmental rights. This PLC was used to finalize the details of presenters and our individuals roles at the event. We also discussed advertising options. Read all about the Science of Social Justice Workshop on pg---