IS Today Week 12/ Chapters 8 & 9 | Page 15

In Chapter


Hackers and Reverse Engineering

Week 12/Chapters 8 & 9 15

1. Explain what type(s) of maintenance Microsoft is performing when fixing security holes and releasing patches to its customers.

Microsoft is performing corrective maintenance. Corrective maintenance is defined as making changes to an information system to repair flaws in the design, coding, or implementation.

2. Are there situations where it is justified for hackers to find and exploit security holes in software? If so or if not, explain.

I don not believe any hacking is justified. There are plenty of open-source softwares available to manipulate into custom uses without hacking into unpaid for code.

In Chapter


Industry Analysis: Broadcasting

1. What is the effect of the Internet on television and radio content? With revenues from advertising in traditional channels diminishing, how can television and radio stations continue to produce high-quality content?

To maintain a succesful operation in broadcasting, I believe stations are going to have to embrace the internet and the challeneges it brings them and find ways to incorporate the advantages the internet brings into their business.

2. Today there are thousands of AM/FM stations competing with Internet radio stations and music downloading. Forecast their future and provide a strategy for retaining and gaining market share.

AM/FM Stations have a rough future ahead. Their only silver lining really is the high price of internet radio and music downloading is keeping a good bit of consumers out of the market during the downward economy. To retain and gain market share, I would think radios would need to being to offer their stations on other platforms besides just AM/FM Stations.