iS Skin Source 2022 Q1 | Page 21

In order to better understand the best treatment options , we need to examine the many possible causes for this type of skin discoloration . Periorbital hyperpigmentation can serve as a good indicator of an impending health condition , such as unhealthy sugar levels in your blood stream and poor lifestyle choices .
Let us look at the causes for periorbital hyperpigmentation .
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Ageing
As we grow older , we are faced with the inevitable process of intrinsic aging , or chronological aging , determined by each person ’ s individual genetic clock , which is affected by oxidative stress , hormonal changes , and the body ’ s inability to perfectly repair the damage . Our bodies slowdown in producing less collagen , affecting skin elasticity and loss of underlying fat . This leads to hollow cheeks and eye sockets , thus causing fine lines and wrinkles that we notice around the eye area . Aging causes increased oxidative damage as well as more pigment production .
Extrinsic aging accelerates this process as a result of photoaging ( exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light ) which is a direct result of cumulative sun damage that we are exposed to throughout our lives . Apart from the UV damage to our skin , we also face damage from HEV light due to the excessive exposure of blue light caused by extended periods of screen time . This often results in dark circles , puffy eyes , and fine lines and wrinkles . Blue light from gadgets , especially when used increasingly post dusk , causes disturbances in the circadian rhythm ( normal sleepwake cycle of the body ). This increases pigment formation while decreasing the natural night-time skin regenerative and repair process , thereby leading to the formation of dark circles .

As we grow older , we are faced with the inevitable process of intrinsic aging , or chronological aging , determined by each person ’ s individual genetic clock , which is affected by oxidative stress , hormonal changes , and the body ’ s inability to perfectly repair the damage .

Lack of Sleep
Circadian rhythms are the cyclical hormonal and physiological processes that get us up in the morning and slow us down at night , allowing our bodies to rest and repair . When our bodies don ’ t get enough restorative sleep , our blood vessels dilate , causing an increase in blood flow which is the result of the dark tint we notice under our eyes , resulting in dark under-eye circles . Lack of sleep due to the disruption of natural circadian rhythms and raised cortisol levels can all lead to increased deposition of melanin . www . iSSKINSOURCE . com 21