iS Skin Source 2021 Q3 | Page 97

by Rachel Wiest

Much of our iS Clinical global success is rooted in the fact that we have long-standing and deep relationships with our global partners . By nature , business requires that we connect in creative ways and utilize many forms of virtual communication .

With over 24 time zones in the world , connecting with our global partners and their teams can be challenging , but the time and energy that we put into being virtually present with our global partners surpass any physical distance between us . This proves that relationships are truly borderless . Success is not necessarily rooted in physical time spent but rather in the quality and consistency of time spent , be that in person or virtually .
I had been pursuing a new partnership for several months and we were closer than ever to reaching an agreement . However , communications began to decrease , and I felt that I was losing traction on securing this new relationship . Rather than sending an email pushing continued conversations around the execution of a contract , I simply emailed and asked about him , his wife , three daughters , his staff , and his business . I made no mention of our business dealings , and he responded five minutes later thanking me for my email and asked about the next steps of our business relationship !
The next time you reach out to a partner or prospect , focus on investing in that relationship through personal connections . You may be surprised what this will do to help reinforce brand loyalty and business building .

Business requires that we connect in creative ways and utilize many forms of virtual communication .

While these relationships have been virtually cultivated over many years , it is never too late to take your faceto-face interactions to the next level and to begin to connect in alternative ways .
Here are a few strategies to help you navigate virtual connections .
Lead with a genuine interest in one ’ s well-being and leave business at the door . For now .
Lend your skill sets to those around you and help your partners and prospects plan for the future with you .
If there is one thing that is certain , it is that successful businesses plan for the future are either going to be made with or without you ; and now is the time to lend your expertise and help your partners create results today and strategies for the future . Often key decision makers have very little availability within their day to carve out time for additional meetings . Utilizing virtual meeting platforms can remove obstacles like tight schedules and physical distance . www . iSSKINSOURCE . com 97