iS Skin Source 2021 Q3 | Page 83

nections with their clients and sustained positive financial results even when in-person services were unavailable . Retailing within a practice not only secures a business today but will also carry the business in the coming weeks , months , and years .
There are many questions we ask ourselves :
• “ Where do I start ?”
• “ What brands should I choose ?”
• “ How many products should I carry ?”
The best way to determine these answers is to continue the results you wish to deliver through your treatments . What you sell is part of your story . The products reflect your commitment to professionalism ; they advertise in what you believe . Ultimately , they indicate what you believe will deliver the best home-care regimen for your clients . You want to promote the best results , right ? Then offer the products you believe will help your clients achieve their goals .
If your clients trust you as a professional , they will trust the products you carry . When choosing brands to retail in your practice , select the ones about which you can speak with confidence and comfort . The people who trust you want to hear , “ this is what I use .” Alternatively , not many people will buy from you if you seem unsure of the results , if you do not use the products yourself , or if you are hesitant to recommend it to those closest to you – and they should not .
Think of yourself and the members of your team as a walking “ Yelp review .” You provide real-life , real-time experience , and you can directly testify to the products and their results . Your retail opportunities should provide an experience for your clients . The minute they walk into your practice , they should be able to visualize the results they desire because of the quality skincare you display .
Consider your practice as a visual resume and a notable way to set expectations right away . Upon first glance at your retail displays , your clients should immediately understand the level of excellence that you strive to provide and the outstanding results you are dedicated to delivering .

Retailing within a practice not only secures a business today but will also carry the business in the coming weeks , months , and years .

It is important to convey that results are achieved through a good quality skincare regimen – not just through a few treatments . That skincare is a key to lasting results . We call this the 80 / 20 rule . Once you understand it , you will be much more diligent in your retailing pursuits . The rule can be applied in many instances , but , in our case , it means that while 20 % of your skincare results come from treatments , the other 80 % results come from daily skincare maintenance . In fact , even if your clients come in regularly , they will not get the fabulous results they want if they neglect their at-home skincare . You want them to understand the importance of continuing at-home “ treatments ” with the same products you use in your practice . www . iSSKINSOURCE . com 83