Different Types and Stages of Acne
There are three stages of acne - mild , moderate , and severe . These stages help to decipher the stepwise approach to the treatment of acne and which combination of products might best be used to treat it .
Mild – also termed comedonal – whiteheads and blackheads , no inflammation .
Moderate – greater number of blackheads and whiteheads , papules and pustules , slight inflammation , acne may include face and other areas .
Severe – significant inflammation , severe papules and pustules , cystic nodules , high risk for scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation .
Preventable Causes
Preventable causes of acne include touching , rubbing , and / or overcleansing the face , and applying oil-based cosmetics to the face that are not labeled non-comedogenic .
In males , acne is more prevalent on the trunk . External agents may precipitate this type of acne such as a high grease atmosphere when working in restaurants , occlusive sports gear , hats , or playing some instruments .
Psychological Influences of Acne
Prompt treatment is key to avoiding the long-term effects that acne can inflict regarding psychological distress
Acne is a benign condition , however it can lead to permanent scarring and psychosocial distress .
for teens . If acne isn ’ t treated early , it can leave pitting scars and hyperpigmentation that can be irreversible . Low self-esteem , social avoidance , and lack of motivation to achieve goals are some of the long-term psychological effects .
Therapeutic Options for Acne
Acne will often resolve after the teenage years . However , to treat acne in teenage years most effectively , consistent care is necessary . This will require seeing a dermatologist for prescription topical and / or systemic medications targeted to skin . The dermatologist will most likely discuss the avoidance of oil-based products and application of only non-comedogenic products and non-abrasive products on the skin .