iS Skin Source 2021 Q2 | Page 12

Teen Acne

Acne is an Inflammatory Skin Disease That Primarily Affects the Face , Chest and Back .

by Dr . Alpesh Desai

This skin disease has a prevalence of almost 95 percent in adolescents . Acne is very common , especially in teens , and is a disease of the pilosebaceous unit . This disease typically begins at the start of puberty because of an increase of androgens . Some medications have also been known to cause acne vulgaris or an acneiform ( acne-like ) eruption . Topical or systemic corticosteroids , testosterone , lithium , low-estrogen oral contraceptives , progesterone-only birth control , vitamins B2 , B6 and B12 are just a few of the medications that have been known to cause acne . Acne is a benign condition ; however , it can lead to permanent scarring and psychosocial distress . Acne can range from being a mild disturbance to being the center of an adolescent ’ s life due to the range of its severity .

12 iS Skin Source