Oh hi there,
Thanks so much for reading
all the way to the end! But
you know what? That’s just
the beginning. There are 19
more chapters in Is Canada
Even Real? and each delivers a
delightfully unreal story that
will beckon you to more fully
embody your inner hoser.
Why resist? Hoserdom is
what you make it — just like
Canada itself. So let’s strive to
put what we have in common
ahead of what makes us
different, just for the sake of
this absurd experiment in
This book is designed to
be an experience in finding
common ground across
generations, across languages,
across geography, across
the 150 years since Canada
became a thing. I hope it
makes you feel like part of
something, because you are.
I hope you’ll share it with
friends and say “Remember
when…” I hope you’ll share it
with students and say “What
if…” I hope you’ll share it
with colleagues and say “Why
not…” I hope you’ll share
it with your parents and say
“See? This is Drake.”
Most of all, I hope you
enjoyed Chapter One. Do
you remember The Littest
Hobo? So do I! Now we have
something in common. Let’s
build on that. And when
things get heady and touchy
and heated? We’ll go back to
that foundation, to what we