The Littlest Hobo : Our German Shepherd Guardian Angel T V star
who owned the stars of all three
incarnations. The top star was
London, but his relatives Toro,
Litlon, and Thorn also played
scenes as the Hobo. On his
philosophy of dog training,
Eisenmann has said, “A dog
thinks just as a human does,
and if you treat him as a stupid
animal eventually he will act
that way. That’s why I act
positive around my dogs and
treat them as friends.” Sounds
very friendly and Canadian,
doesn’t it? Eisenmann was born
in Roseburg, Oregon, but his
baseball career landed him stints
with the Vancouver Capilanos
and Ottawa Giants in the early
’50s, so let’s claim some of his
warm personality as our own
doing, shall we?
6. London, the dog who plays
Hobo, co-starred with Prince
in which film?
Answer: c) Graffiti Bridge
I know. You’re disappointed it
wasn’t Purple Rain. Take heart
though: Graffiti Bridge, Prince’s
1990 critical and commercial
musical disaster, was the sequel to
Purple Rain.