tuesday,12 August 2014
SS12 Hoons Chicken Run was an intense 7 hour point
to point GPS navigation stage where both the Driver
and Navi had to read the lay of the land and navigate
around lakes.
It was a quick Driver‘s Brief and the first GPS point
location was revealed to be a few hundred metres in
the lake.
Navigators took off on foot to locate the peg with the
point written on it and then back to the cars to belt up
and input the data before taking off.
Dave & Simon Cameron (car #10) are the only
team to enter the flying finish on SS12...
Seven cars started this stage and only one finished Dave Cameron in 6 hours and 41 minutes, a mere 19
minutes inside the DNF time.
stage winners
Dave Cameron emerged from his car covered in white
powder from some copite they hit and he looked both
shattered and ecstatic at the same time