m ission s a nd m i ni st ry
St. Petersburg 2017
Terry spoke at the Annual Russian
Pastor's Conference in St. Petersburg,
Russia on Sept. 26-28, 2017, along
with Geoffrey Thomas (retired
minister), Tony Lane (Professor at
London School of Theology), and
Dewey Roberts (Pastor, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, PCA,
Destin, FL). The conference this year was entitled "Quincentary of the
Protestant Reformation" in celebration of the 500th year anniversary
of the Protestant Reformation. Terry's topics included: “The Bible,
Theology and Worship,” “Reading and Preaching and Praying
Scripture,” and “Singing and Administering the Sacraments.”
You may also drop off your completed shoeboxes at the Atrium
table. If you would prefer to donate toward shipping costs for the
boxes, please make your check payable to Independent Presbyterian
Church, noting OCC on the memo line. Please return your
boxes to the church by November 15. They do prefer the plastic,
Tupperware type shoe boxes that both seal and are durable (And
reusable for the recipient). The cost to ship them is 9 dollars per
box (which can include a package tracker so you can actually see
where the box goes). And here is a link that provides instructions/
suggestions, as well as acceptable and unacceptables for packing: