The IPC Messenger
P. O. BOX 9266
The IPC Messenger (USPS 261–200) is published weekly by Independent Presbyterian Church,
207 Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401. Periodical Postage paid at Savannah, Georgia 31402.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to IPC Messenger, P.O. Box 9266, Savannah, GA 31412.
Children’s Ministry
S pecial T hanks !
ur third and fourth grade students
would like to thank John and Tevis
Garnett for stepping into their classroom
to teach these past few months.
The spring quarter will be led by Sarah
Berg and Emily Johnson.
We want to express our deep appreciation
to these faithful servants for their willingness
to work with our covenant children.
If you are interested in volunteering
to work with our children, please contact
Amy Martin ([email protected]).
E gg H unt !
Our annual Egg Hunt and pancake
breakfast is scheduled for April 15, at Point
Pleasant, 441 Suncrest Blvd., with pancakes
and bacon at 9:00 a.m. This is a wonderful
time of fellowship and fun that seems to get
bigger each year! If you have children that
will participating in the egg hunt (through
fifth grade), please donate a dozen plastic
eggs and a bag of candy. We will do the
rest! Donations can be left in the baskets
located at the church office, in front of
Telfair Hall, or in the church narthex.
Please R.S.V.P. so we will have enough
breakfast to go around! Complete a pew
card or bulletin tear-off and place in the
offering plate, call the church office at 236-
3346, or see Amy Martin.
Y outh G roup
It’s that time again! Let’s meet at Point
Pleasant on Friday, April 14, at 10:00 a.m. to
hide eggs, decorate the tables, and decorate.
Plan on having a pizza lunch together and
we will be finished by 12:00.