I.P.C. Annual Report 2016 | Page 17

Associate Minister
Timothy P . Foster
My tenth year at I . P . C . has been filled joys and challenges . I am regularly amazed by the privilege I have to serve a congregation that loves , encourages , and prays for its ministers . I am also grateful for the opportunity to serve alongside a wise and seasoned pastoral staff . Here are a few highlights from my ministry in 2016 .
Preaching — During my Sunday evening preaching , I continued to lead us through a series on 1 Timothy . I also helped lead our Wednesday Bible Study . Due to the extensive renovations , the Wednesday midweek service was temporarily suspended from January-August 2016 . We restarted the service in September 2016 with a new location ( the beautiful and elegant Telfair Hall ) and a new format . This brief 30-minute Bible study provided a rich opportunity for spiritual encouragement and fellowship in the middle of a busy week . Thank you to all those who participated .
Teaching — In addition to teaching several of our adult Sunday school classes through the Book of Judges , I also taught one of our elective classes . It was the third time I conducted the seminar I developed for my doctoral work . The seminar ’ s title was “ Accepted in the Beloved : How Jesus Redeems Our Guilt , Fear , and Shame .” The main purpose of the class was to discover how the security of the gospel ( i . e ., our union with Christ ) helps us process our negative , threatening emotions . Thanks to those who attended and gave valuable feedback .
Pastoral — I also served on the Congregational Growth and Care committee , provided pulpit supply at area churches , conducted hospital visitation , offered pastoral counseling , attended the Dead Theologians ’ Society , and participated in a variety of ministries connected to our church ( Savannah River Presbytery ; PRIMES ; Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation ’ s Annual Conference in Chattanooga , TN ). I also worked extensively with our Bluffton church plant . Much effort and prayer went into forming a pulpit committee , communicating with the local pastors and presbytery in the Lowcountry , and organizing evening services . We are pleased that a veteran church planter and pastor , Rev . Dr . Ron Gleason , will lead our Bluffton Presbyterian Mission . Services are scheduled to begin in early 2017 .
Study — I have finally completed the class and thesis work for the Doctor of Ministry degree at Westminster Theological Seminary ( Philadelphia ). I am grateful to the church leadership for allowing me to take this valuable course of study . If I am successful in defending my dissertation ( Spring 2017 ), then I hope to graduate in May 2017 .
Personal — Caroline and I are grateful for all your prayers , encouragement , and support for our growing family . One of the highlights of the year was baptizing my daughter Ava Anne Foster on March 13 . I was especially moved by the outpouring of love and prayers during my recent health issues in November . Thank you for your ongoing concern and commitment to intercede for us . We look forward to what the Lord will do in 2017 .