Associate Minister Ronald H . Parrish
At the conclusion of 2016 , I completed my 21 st year as one of your Associate Pastors . My particular areas of responsibility are Christian Education and Pastoral Care . In the area of education , I oversee the program of Christian education and work closely with Chairman , Jody Lanier , and the Christian Education Committee . In this capacity I am pleased to be able to work with Mrs . Jane Boatright , Director of Nursery and Women ’ s Program ; Mrs . Amy Martin , Director of Children ’ s Program ; and Mrs . Kathryn Van Eck , Director of Music . These are talented leaders who with a host of others provided important leadership for these ministries throughout the year . In the area of Pastoral Care , I seek to provide Pastoral Care to members ( by means of calls and visitation ) and especially the hospitalized and shut-ins .
The two Session Committees that I particularly work with are Congregation Growth and Care , and Christian Education Committee . I refer you to their reports for what was accomplished in 2016 . I want to thank their chairman , John Garnett ( CG & C ), Jody Lanier ( CE ) and the members of the committees for their support and encouragement .
As a Teaching Elder I am thankful for the opportunities that I had to teach , preach and to assist in worship . I taught this past year throughout the Sunday School , the Garmer weekly Bible Study and monthly for the Transitional Bible Study .
It is a joyful privilege to serve with my colleagues Terry Johnson , Tim Foster , Frankie Daniell , Amy Martin , Tim Shaw , Josh Espinosa , Kathryn Van Eck and Paul Rodgers . I value and respect each one for their gifts and the way our differing gifts are blended to work as an effective team .
In addition , I am privileged to labor along with faithful and supportive Elders and Deacons . A special thanks of appreciation goes to J . Dennis Boatright , Clerk of Session and Wallace T . Milling , Chairman of the Diaconate for their faithful leadership and service .
I am very thankful to God for giving me a very supportive wife in Donna and four children who are now engaged in the pursuit of careers . Matthew is the Director of Advancement for Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity in Richmond , VA . Leighann is employed with Savannah Neurology Specialists . Andrew is the Director of Communications for Sigma Phi Epsilon and lives with wife , Claire in Richmond , VA . David is employed with Savannah Neurology Specialists . Donna completed 21 years in 2016 at Candler Hospital as a mother / baby nurse .
The Parrish family was very pleased to announce that in July , Leighann became engaged to Dr . Victor W . Rosenfeld , a neurologist practicing in Savannah . An April 29 , 2017 , wedding is being planned .
At the end of September Donna was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer . Surgery followed in October , and shortly after an aggressive regimen of chemo-therapy began . The last quarter of 2016 has been very difficult for Donna , but the prayers and support of the congregation have been a great source of strength and encouragement as she continues to battle this disease . We are very thankful for the many acts of love and support from the members of the congregation . It means more than I could ever express . Thank you for allowing me to serve this wonderful congregation .