ION INDIE MAGAZINE October 2015, Volume 17 | Page 11
Dagda: When will your new album
“Pinnacle” be released?
Eric: We are in the middle of working with
some people in the industry to secure our
ability to tour and all the other stuff. We are
waiting to release it because we are going to
have a record label release it. We were told
that we could release one single, so “We Are
Not Alone” was released. The name
“Pinnacle” was not something that was
easily settled on. Remember, you helped me
come up with some names? I think it took
me two months or so, every day, thinking
about the name for this one. I have always
been able to name my albums in less than a
minute (as he snapped his fingers). Again, I
closed my eyes, use my fingers as antennae and put my head down so that I meditated
on it and I let it come to me.
Danis (chimes in): “Pinnacle” is also the first album that does not have the name of the
album “Pinnacle” in any of the lyrics.
(Dan Shea/“Danis” is one of Eric’s long time family members. Danis is someone
whom everyone knows, and enjoys his company. He is the one with the Leaving Eden
tattoo on the side of his shaved head. Say “hi” to him if you see him!)
Eric: “Pinnacle” is so many different things, and yes, it is an antennae. Also, it is the tip
of the spear. It is therefore trending; it is there, forging the future. Who forges the
future? The artists that are on the ground floor. They are forging the future--for trends,
fashion--you name it. That is how it happens. Look back at the 70’s, at how people
dressed. There was something that started those trends. I believe that it was the artists.
They also set the trends for so many other things. All you have to do is think a thought.
Any one of us just need to think that thought, put it out there, and someone is going to
receive it. If you look at the cover of “Pinnacle”, you can see Eve sitting on a throne
floating above what looks like the tip of a pyramid. She is floating because the throne is
chained to the pyramid. She is trying to break free. She is chained down because we are
unable to leave this planet. We are stuck. There is a lot of symbolism in that album
cover that I don’t want to give away. The snake is there because it’s always there. The
snake is in close proximity ready to strike at her, but as you can see, she just sits there
unafraid. She has no fear of the snake. She has no fear, therefore, the snake cannot harm
her. She wears a crown antennae. She is the empress that everyone connects to--Eve.