ION INDIE MAGAZINE October 2014, Volume 5 | Page 25
CeeJ: I saw the video for the cover of MOTLEY CRÜE’S “Saint” in Los Angeles. VERSAILLES RECORDS had
asked that you do that. A few questions on that…when you were asked to do the cover, how did you feel
about it? Many bands say it was a business decision to do a cover. Are you fans that jumped on the chance,
or did you not want to do it? And if you could cover a song of your choice, what would it be and why?
Margarita: That was the song the label asked us to do. We figured it makes sense because we are all in LA
now. It was a fun song to cover. We do enjoy playing covers from time to time, sometimes live we do “Children
of the Sea” or “Heaven and Hell” by BLACK SABBATH. We have thought about doing a complete re-make of
a cover, so you might hear the remake of “Children of the Sea” soon.
CeeJ: Congrats on the nominations for the LA MUSIC AWARDS! “Best Hard Rock Band” and “Best Rock
Album of the Year”--that has to be a great feeling to know that people are listening and loving what they are
hearing. I saw the band is from different parts of the country. Obviously, you moved to Ventura, CA. Tell us
the thought process on the move.
Margarita: Thank you, we are very excited about it! Actually, we are from all over, Dave (guitarist) is originally
from Connecticut, John (drummer) is from New Jersey, I was studying at NYU in New York before moving to
LA, and Nick (bassist) is a California native. We all met in Los Angeles, I met Dave 3 years ago in Ventura,
which is a neighboring county to Los Angeles. We were hired to work on a project with a Producer and then
decided to form the band and take it all the way! And after many line-up changes, we met Nick when
recording some of the new songs at BOB KULICK’S studio, where he was engineering, Nick introduced us to
John and that's how our crazy circus came together.
CeeJ: Edge of Paradise has seen many states here in the USA. I see you are on your way to Texas soon. How
many states have you pl