ION INDIE MAGAZINE November 2014, Volume 6 | Page 21
EG: I'm the songwriter, and sometimes I write the
lyrics first, and vice versa--I may have some
music that I'll find some lyrics I've previously
written. Finally, I try and connect with the
Universe and all the energy with it, using my
fingers as antenna's--as strange as that may
sound--close my eyes and listen. Then a
complete, finished song plays in my head, and I
really can't even take credit for it at that point
because it comes from somewhere else. I'm just
reproducing. Lyrics come in the same way. I'm
inspired by the Universe and change for the
better, as we al l come from the same place, we
all share the same elements.
FRM: How has it been as a married couple
working together?
EG: Of course, Eve and I have not always been married, and when we met, that certainly was not our
intention, but really that's the only way it can work. I can imagine with a family at home while you’re on the
road most of the time can't make for a good life. Being together then is a perfect marriage-- sharing the
same goals, desires and motivations works great together. Of course, in this business jealousy is taboo and
one definitely must be confident enough, otherwise you got problems. So we get to share all of the
memories, because in the end, that's all you got. Touring in Europe, USA and Canada has given us a unique
opportunity to take it all in and appreciate what the world has to offer. There's so much beauty that I'd never
have seen if it wasn't for the music--that's why I write, "Gotta go where the music takes me, Hell Yeah!"
FRM: Tell me one word to describe each member of your band.
EG: Eric-Energy, Eve-Universal, Carissa-Charismatic, Jamie-Powerhouse
FRM: What makes Leaving Eden "different"?
EG: We've had the unique opportunity to play hundreds of concerts with the biggest names in the business.
There's always local bands as well when we tour, so we get to see the tip of the spear, future trends, and
different music scenes, so that we feel we've been able to see it all. What separates Leaving Eden from the
rest has to be the live performance, the connection shared with the audience, the universal connection which
fuels the energy on stage. The music is also very different. A long time ago we went to a record producer and
she actually drew a picture of a box and said this is where you are (outside the box) and that we needed to
be inside the box. I raised my hand and said, "Excuse me, but are you saying we need to be in that box?"
Her response--"Yes I guess so". And I said, "Thank you very much, have a good day."--and got up and
walked out of the meeting. They've always tried to put us in a box whether it be radio, or for instance, the
New England Music Awards, where we won this years "Hardrock/Metal Act of the Year". On our plaque we
received it said "Metal Act of the Year” and on their site it said "Hardcore/Metal Act of the Year”. It's