Tom Parrish
Tom is the owner of SHARK ALLEY RECORDS and additionally manages several talented
bands/artists, including UNDERCOVER BETTY. Tom has served as a Journalist for ION almost since
the beginning. He recently contributed a feature covering SHARKFEST ’15, a huge music festival in
his stomping grounds of Florida, for which he served as organizer. All proceeds of this outstanding
event benefitted the animal rescue movement. The event was such an overwhelming success, plans
are already underway for a SHARKFEST ’16! Tom is an avid “biker” and can often be spotted roaring
down the highways any given weekend to or from whatever venue for which one of his bands is
providing exceptional entertainment.
Katarzyna Zakolska (Kat Zee)
Katarzyna is our overseas correspondent and is our beloved Polish Metal Princess, hailing from
Skiemiewice in the center of Poland. She has a love of Metal music, especially Symphonic Metal—
as evidenced in her February 2015 cover story on ENEMY OF REALTY and interview with soprano
vocalist ILIANA TSAKIRAKI. Kat supplies several music reviews on various artists for ION each and
every month. Her credits include running a web site for the weekend radio show ROCKOWA NOC
(Rock Night)—which was the first web-based Polish radio program to broadcast. Since 2007, Kat
has managed and promoted bands in her free time, both from Poland and abroad. ION would not
be the same without the insightful opinions of this cherished reviewer.
Shawn Joseph (Chaos)
Shawn has also been with ION almost since the initial launch and is our resident Poet. He is the
author of the poetry/lyric-based column “Chaos’s Corner”, providing a forum for songwriters to
share their compositions with the readers of ION. He is also the songwriter/lyricist/singer/guitarist
for the band THE FACTOR PROJECT, based in Newark, OH. When he is not rehearsing or networking
on behalf of TFP, he enjoys penning poetry. TFP is poised to release their new EP “Evolution” and is
making appearances around Ohio, building anticipation with their fan base for this long-awaited
Thomas R. Jenney Ph. D
Ohioan Thomas is one of the founding members of ION that, month after month, has lent his
journalistic abilities to our magazine--to the delight of our readers. Through his column “The Music
Muse”, Thomas has shared his wisdom and insight, along with editorials and other music-related
information. He often features his fellow artists that are local to the Ohio music scene. Thomas, a
virtuoso guitarist, is no stranger to accolades himself, having garnered the nod from LAND OF
CLEVE as Cleveland’s “Musician of the Year” in 2014. He is also a Pastor with SAINT PIO MISSION.
Last year, Thomas founded THE BARBERTON GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, which has grown to be a
centerpiece of the community providing a showcase for artists of all disciplines.
Scott Johnson (Scotty J)
With a background in Broadcast Journalism, Philadelphian Scotty J was also an original founding
member of the ION family. He is the founder of an all new genre of Reality TV that brings the
audience in to the world of the independent musician, recently shooting the pilot for his concept
called CROWD SURFING. Scott is the founder of ROCK TITAN TV and has continued the Rock Titan
project over the last couple years, through creating its own internet TV channel with FILMON.COM;
providing Official Music Video production for Independent artists. Scott has produced several
spotlight videos featuring some of the top bands in the Philly area, much to the delight of the
readers of ION.