to the spot light. American Zer0s are on the map, baby! All we need is to keep our drive and
determination at its top gear. We are cruising a rough road, but all you need is that dream to keep
going. One Love.”
And so it was, that I found my “fairy-senses” focused on summing up the Zer0s…and shooting the
“shat” with Citi Zenx. I was curious as to the origin of their nicknames, and asked for a break-down…I
was caught off-guard by Citi Zenx’s explanation for his particular moniker…
“I used to be a doctor—and I was a great doctor. I sued my state licensing board for discrimination.
During my lawsuit, I got in a little trouble outside the realm of my practice--in my personal life, ya
know. They fucking railroaded me and broke the law to do it. Nobody in the government would help
me and I tried everybody--federal, state, congressmen, FBI—everyone! Nobody would help me. I
couldn’t afford 100k for a lawyer--I was a broke, young doctor. It ruined my life. I vowed to find a
forum to fight them. Music is the only weapon I have. I also vowed to forsake my name and become
‘Citizen X’ until I find justice or death. Facebook wouldn’t let my last name be ‘X’ so I made it ‘Citi Zenx’.
People there started calling me ‘Citi’ and it just stuck.”
A rebel without a pause, for sure--with a label that shoots the “middle finger up” at the status quo that
remains the same in our country’s governing factions. Regarding the names of his bandmates, Citi Zenx
says “K-Doob is KEVIN DUBORD. B-BoZ is BENJAMIN BOSWELL. I name all of the members that come
and go with official American Zer0s designations.”
Now that I’ve become acquainted with the “boys in the band” (flashback to my youth), I get all “hardhitting” on Citi Zenx’s azz and posed the questions that “rock-quiring” minds want to know…
FRM: What is the meaning behind the name of your band?
CZ: It’s a political statement. American Zer0s are basically all of the people that the government doesn’t
care about--which is pretty much everyone. I mean, they basically steal from us in the form of taxes
and then utilize the money to invest in a system of technology and corporate law to, in turn, use it all
against us to basically steal more money from us. Nobody wants them to do it but they do it all anyway.
Somebody is laughing all the way to the bank and it sure as hell isn’t us. Whenever I see politicians,
they always seem happy and smiling all the time--but hell, maybe they are just happy. I know that if I
had their pensions and health care I’d probably smile all the more. The Revolutionary War cry of this
country--no taxation without representation--is more applicable than ever. Corporations have individual
rights, money is free speech, and the police have no obligation to protect. Who can compete with that?
American Zer0s.
FRM: Use one word to describe each of your bandmates.
CZ: B-BoZ-Intricate; K-Doob-Funky; Citi Zenx-Pissed.
FRM: What does each member of your group bring to the band?
CZ: Dynamics. The drumming is pretty Metal at times, the bass is funky and groovy and intricate, and
the guitars and vocals are pretty standard Rock--when you put those things together, I really feel that
the sum is greater than the parts.
FRM: Tell me your worst experience musically? Best?