Citi Zenx (whose downtown Milwaukee rehearsal studio is called
“Ground Zer0s”) grew up on vinyls—PINK FLOYD, BLACK SABBATH, THE
ROLLING STONES and THE BEATLES. He actually first started playing
through his old Kentwood Hi-Fi. He would put on a Sabbath record, plug
in his little Arion distortion peddle, tune the receiver to Phono 2 and plug
into the mic. It wasn’t very good for the stereo—he blew it up a few
times (got his ass handed to him too!). He now has that old Hi-Fi in his
living room…a reminder of “days of rock past”. But we’ll hear more from
Citi Zenx later in this article…
Newest addition to the American
Zer0s, drummer B-BOZ, spent long
nights listening to the likes of RUSH,
LED ZEPPELIN, PRIUS and THE WHO--and you can hear it in the
rhythms he throws down. Even with all those hints, there is how it’s
applied that truly could only come from one place--and that is B-BoZ.
From the sticks in rural Wisconsin to the chaos of the fashionable
East side of Milwaukee, B-BoZ has come a long way to the American
Zer0s. Playing since before he was out of diapers and performing his
first professional gig by age 7, B-BoZ has carved himself a path of
friends and supporters in the music biz. Touring and releasing albums
with LUCID DREAMS and FREAK, as well as performing hundreds of
festivals like “Summerfest” with DEEP FRIED and THE SOCIABLES,
he has seasoned his stage performance and his overall chops to a sharp purpose of clarity. "If you
don't have the confidence to hit it hard, don't hit it at all" is B-BoZ's motto behind the kit.
K-DOOB was born into a world of music. Between his Dad's endless rack
of CDs and the talent passed down from generation to generation, music
was his destiny. Influences from his childhood definitely played a part in
gave him an early appetite for rock music. Some of his furthest, fondest
memories (from when he was a “little shorty” with low-slung drawers;
street cred term for “diapers”) came from the very music that his dad
played through his speakers. Growing up, he was always one to beat
away on table tops or any surface where he could mimic a drum. A drum
set was always his dream instrument, but space was an issue. With his
first job at the age of 16 (no longer in diapers) and paycheck in hand,
he set out to get some kind of instrument. At that particular time, his
best friend had just got a bass. Although he had never really thought
about playing a bass guitar, he found he loved it! Thus, he purchased
his first bass and amp. Soon after, he was introduced to THE RED HOT
CHILI PEPPERS--and instantly, absolutely loved them! That was the beginning of his “Funk Craze"
stage. He slowly saw himself progress much faster than his friend—and soon realized his natural ability
by how quickly he advanced in his skill level. He was “self-taught”--with bands like RHCP, RAGE
AGAINST THE MACHINE and INCUBUS inspiring a more funky feel to his playing. As the years
progressed, all he seemed to care about was his bass playing. After graduation (and a rotation bands
throughout the years), he finally found something that seem a “fit”—American Zer0s! With his funky
musical upbringing, he definitely brings a unique element to the Rock game. Says K-Doob of his
philosophies and aspirations, “I've got 10 fingers, 5 strings, and one dream; to slap and pop my way