ION INDIE MAGAZINE December 2015, Volume 19 | Page 8
Scotty J: So many bands talk
about how they are like a family.
But in your case, your band is
your actual “family”. Can you
talk about what that's like and
what it means to you?
Laura Cheadle: It means the
world to me. Music has just
always been a part of my life
since I first went on tour with
my family at the age of 4.
Music, for us, is an unspoken
bond, and when we perform on
stage together, it just clicks so
well. We can anticipate where
the other is going, especially in
Blues. My family and I are so
close, and I love always
traveling to fun gigs with them.
It truly is special--not to
mention my father and brother
are incredible musicians to play