ION INDIE MAGAZINE December 2015, Volume 19 | Page 7
You are what you do. In saying that, I believe that is mostly applicable toward artists
versus the many folks out there just slaving away at their day jobs. As we bring 2015 to a
close, I believe that an artist you're going to be hearing about a lot more is Laura
Cheadle and her family band. It's not everyone that is blessed with the ability to
embrace that special gift they were given from the day they were born. Sometimes there
is significant exploration, cultivation and effort required in discovering who you truly
are--and then having the courage to share that with the public.
Songwriters, specifically, pour their heart and soul in to every lyric they write as they
expose themselves for your listening pleasure. The fact that Laura Cheadle is a
Blues/Jazz musician couldn't be a more quintessential style of music, as it reflects her
inner and outer beauty. The emotion, energy--and just outright “groovy” nature of
Laura's songs and performances are palatable. This has been an exciting year, in which
Laura has completed filming an Official Music Video, gotten an endorsement by a
clothing line, and been given the ultimate recognition…which we'll leave as a surprise
for 2016.
The bottom line is, if you're not familiar with Laura Cheadle yet, you soon will be. So
you might as well avoid the inevitable and go check her out now, just so you have the
bragging rights to say you were familiar with her music before she became the next
great sensation in music entertainment.
Scotty J: This has been such a dynamic year for you…from having one of your songs
selected to be featured in a movie, to making an official music video, and then getting
selected as a spokesmodel for a clothing line. Can you talk about some of these
highlights in more detail?
Laura Cheadle: Absolutely! I am so excited for my official music video for my Blues
song, “This Love Looks Good On Me”. This is by far my best video yet and Scott
Johnson of Rock Titan TV really did an incredible job with the footage. The teaser is
now up on my social media and this will be released soon! I can't talk much about the
movie placement, but I will be officially be announcing that soon, via my social media
as well! I am now the official spokesmodel for Beeska Hippie Designs out of New York
City. I will be wearing all of these amazing designs at all my shows, and continue to post
me wearing them online. The full line launch is coming soon, where I will be
performing at the fashion show/ launch party. This line perfectly fits my
Hippie/Bohemian style, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it!