ION INDIE MAGAZINE December 2014, Volume 7 | Page 32
Jay: Tell the people who might not know, a little bit about St. Laz…
St. Laz: I'm a Rapper that makes music that changes lives. I’m from
the worst hood in New York City, Brownsville Brooklyn, and I've see
the depths of hell. I put that hell in my music.
Jay: What does St. Laz bring to the table that the average Rapper
does not?
St. Laz: My real life. I wear my heart on my sleeve and reveal who I
truly am through my music. Most Rappers are just here to entertain
you. I make music because it's therapeutic--the fans are like my
Jay: What is Pottersfield Television?
St. Laz: It's a new music video show showcasing the best of the best
underground Rappers from all over the world. It's on TV in 6 major
cities and counting. I feel this show could change the world of Hip
Hop and wake us up out this slumber of wackiness.
Jay: You've done some impressive collabs…who's on your wish list?
St. Laz: Right now I'm looking forward to a major R&B collab. I've
learned that rapping for dudes doesn't really pay bills, so I have to
expand and capture the female market's interest. I will never stop
making raw Hip Hop, but my next big collab will be for the ladies.
Jay: Who is the producer you'd most like to work with?
St. Laz: I'm a fan of everyone that's cranking out raw beats, but I
heard DJ Scratch at a Beat Battle a long time ago, and I can tell I'd
make the greatest album of all time working with that dude.