ION INDIE MAGAZINE December 2014, Volume 7 | Page 13

JB: What artist would you say has had the most influence on your music? AW: I would say that a lot of the older Country artists like Patsy Cline and Ernest Tubb have influenced my music. I love the storytelling aspects of true Country, and I put that into all of my songs. The story and message is what makes the whole song. JB: Take me through your song writing process. How does a song begin? Lyrics first or music first? AW: It starts with a line of inspiration, and from there comes the lyrics. After that I begin working on melodies and arrangement with my producer Bryan Kuban. When that's done, we lay down tracks, I record my vocals and it gets mixed and mastered. Then it goes through all the copyright and legal work and BAM that one song is done. JB: Tell me about your family members. Anything you want to talk about? AW: My family members are my biggest fans and critics. They push me through the hard times and always help me get better. We may be a bit dysfunctional, but I love that my family is there for me all the time. JB: If you could share the st age with any living artist for a performance, who would it be and why? AW: Carrie Underwood, for certain. To be able to learn from her on stage and hold my own alongside her killer vocals would be an amazing opportunity. JB: If you had half an hour to spend with any famous artist that is no longer with us, who would it be and what would you ask them? AW: I would spend that time with Michael Jackson. I respect his music and his great mind. I would ask him about how he creates his music and what runs through his mind. The man is someone whom I look up to when it comes to music. JB: If you could go back in time and invent anything, what would it be and why? AW: I would invent a time turner, ya know, like Hermione Granger had in Harry Potter? I think it would be the best invention ever. Who wouldn't love it?