ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2017, Volume 35 | Page 58

With 8 albums to their credit and being no stranger to the tour circuit – with “ Warped ”, “ Ozzfest ” and the “ Take Action Tour ” under their belt -- needless to say , ETID has been a busy band , with no sign of letting up on the gas .
I went into this show not exactly a “ fan ”, but as I took in the whole experience , my mindset has changed . Songs like " The New Black ", " Buffalo 666 ", and " The Marvelous Slut " had this mediumsized audience in a state of chaos . You could say that security had their hands full with all the crowd surfers . I was thoroughly impressed and yes , now can claim fanship !
I did have the opportunity to speak briefly to the brothers and found them to be welcoming and appreciative for the coverage in ION Indie Magazine . In closing , if this tour comes even close to your city , take my advice , get to the show , you will be entertained to the core of your being . I know I was !