ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2017, Volume 35 | Page 57

I had heard of EVERY TIME I DIE , just because of the amount of metal acts that I cover for this publication . When I saw they were coming to El Paso and looked up the contact information , and their management was familiar to me , this show was a no-brainer . Thus , on February 17th -- at the ONLY place to be in El Paso , TRICKY FALLS -- Every Time I Die and their " Low Teens Tour ” rolled into town .
Of the 32 dates on this tour , 20 are sell-outs . El Paso , however , was not even close … maybe 700 in attendance ? That ' s somewhat disappointing , but regardless of this , Keith and the boys put on one fantastic show !
The Tour Manager graciously granted me “ All Access ”, which provided me an intimate vantage point . By being in such close proximity and able to capture the energy “ up close and personal ” -- hopefully , my photos will take YOU there as well .
ETID hails from Buffalo , New York . Brothers , KEITH and JORDAN BUCKLEY founded the band in ‘ 98 . They classify their type of music as " Southern / Hard Core Metal / Punk , and truth be told , I couldn ' t agree more .