ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2015, Volume 11 | Page 51
Jay Woods (Bass): I don’t know if this is our best song, but it’s the one that impacts me the most. Still, to this
day, whenever we play “Watchman”, just the chorus: “Why are you sleeping your life away?” to realize that
every time we’re playing that it’s not just a call to the people in the audience or a catchy riff or a chorus. It
speaks deeper to me, that I have to be careful that I’m not being hypocritical in that sense, that I too am
living to the fullest extent that God has blessed me with, and that I should do everything to my upmost for
that reason. There is a crying passion behind that song that is kind of eerie in one sense. They’re not crying
out to scare you. They are crying out because they care that much about you. Don’t waste your life. Don’t let
it slip away. There is more than playing a song, or more than 9 to 5. So to me, I think that is the song that
means the most.
Pete: That is actually one of my favorite songs. Overall, I feel like every song on the new album is my favorite.
But, “Breathe on Me,” lyrically it sticks with me. “I’d be better off dead if I try to make it on my own.” For me,
that’s basically my life. I’ve been through so much; I’ve seen both sides of the tracks. There is no other route
to go. That lyric has stuck with me. It’s spot on.
Mike: That’s so weird. I could literally pick both what Jay and what Pete said. The song that Jay mentioned
(Watchman) is actually the song…Well, first of all, I’m not an original member of the band, and when I tried
out for the band that is the song that they’d asked me to do a video recording of.
Loren: That is the first Lily Among Throns song you’ve ever played.
Mike: Yeah, that’s the first song I ever played, the first song I ever learned. And, the thing that is so cool to
me about that song is, it reminds us that there is just so much at stake for us, personally, and the people
that come to our shows who maybe haven’t ever experienced God. And, that is our mission. We want people
to experience Him in a real way whether it’s when we’re playing our songs, or just hanging out with people
after the shows letting them see God through us—letting them know they are important to us, and we don’t
want to see them sleeping their lives away. That’s always been my goal, and I know it’s the goal of these guys
too. Letting people know that there is so much to live for. There is more to life than getting up and going to
work, or going to school. It’s also a call out to me to make sure I’m not sleeping my life away. I think that
song, since it was the first song I ever learned, will have a special place in my heart.
Cheyenne: One song, that we play at every single one of our shows, that always just really touches me is
“Unspoken, Unheard”. It’s kind of funny, the song was written based on a conversation I had with my grandmother. We were just talking about how when God touches us, when the Holy Spirit moves on us there’s
something that happens that can’t be expressed in human words. The song, every time I sing it, “Let my
words be pleasing, let my thoughts be holy”, I’m making sure I am in that place—that I’m not thinking wrongfully of my brother and sister or anyone else around me—that my heart is in the right place. When I do that, I
glorify God in a way that can’t be expressed in human words. The chorus of it is just daring everyone else to
come to that place too. It says—“Do you have a song that can’t be sung? Do you have words that can’t be
expressed? Do you have a love that can’t be won over or bought? Do you have a prayer that can’t be prayed?”
It’s just a very worshipful song, definitely one of my favorites. Another one of my favorites, an oldie that the
guys don’t really like playing all the time is “This Prison”.