ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2015, Volume 11 | Page 50
ION: Loren, you sprained your ankle?
Loren: Yeah, on the second song in, and I had to limp throughout the rest of the set. I had to pretend it didn’t
happen, and the next day it was all swollen and discolored.
Cheyenne: Honestly, the best shows are the ones where people come up to us afterwards and just say,
“There’s something about you guys that’s different.” When it means something to the fans, and when it
means something to the audience, that’s the perfect show.
Loren: Not because we’re the ones getting complemented, but because we like to know people recognize
that there is something more to our music than what we are doing on stage.
ION: What do you want people to take away from your music?
Cheyenne: Basically, what I was saying before about our name meaning to be a hope in the midst of darkness…that song, “Song of Eve”, to be about coming out of darkness and stepping into light. That’s what we
want people to have when they listen to us. We want them to experience hope. We want them to experience
unconditional love.
ION: If people could only hear one of your songs, which one would you want that to be?
Cheyenne: That’s tough.
Peter: Can we all weigh in on our own?
ION: Sure.
Loren: Especially on the newest recording we did, every song is very different. I even mentioned to Pete, because we were talking about this, “Oh, if we ever put a song on the radio, which one would we pick?” Well,
if we pick this song, th