ION INDIE MAGAZINE April 2015, Volume 11 | Page 19
If you could have a one hour chat with any notable person in music that has left this
earth, who would that be and why?
Wally: RONNIE JAMES DIO. Every interview, story, showcase, concert I have ever
seen, he seemed to have been the wisest, nicest man in Metal history. I would love to
pick his brain, so to speak, about everything “music”.
Ricky: RONNIE V ZANT—he was so knowledgeable in music and in his writing,
he could bestow a lot of wisdom, even though his dream was short-lived, his legend
will never die!
George: Generic response, but I would hang out with KURT COBAIN—just to see
what really happened. LOL!
Justin: Probably would have to be STEVIE RAY V
AUGHAN. I went through a
period where I was kind of obsessed with his playing—his phrasing, how strong
and soulful his string bending was—it brought me in a lot closer to figuring out his
technique. But, I think my first hour sit down would be like, “Stevie, show me how
to bend the hell out of those strings! Then let’s jam with some Sky Is Crying!”
What is your “dream venue” to play someday?
Wally: One would be somewhere like MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. The other
would be an auditorium full of tables and chairs where people could relax. The band
and I play an intimate acoustic set while answering fan’s questions.
Justin: THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL…that place has so much history.
Give me one word that describes a bandmate...
Wally: Justin—Animated
Ricky: Wally—Ambitious
George: David—Persistent
Justin: George—Energetic
David: Ricky—Indefatigable