Hojo Undo is functional strength training for use in Karate, and refers to
training with tools . In Okinawa they have always used homemade tools to train
the muscles and develop contact strength, thus improving the training of true
martial artist. The use of these tools is key to developing destructive force in
karate techniques .
Miyagi Sensei pointed that to practice Kata without the proper physical training
of the body will not be anything else than gymnastic, and can not be counted
as true Bujutsu (martial arts). Additional exercises, Hojo undo are practiced
with a view to perfecting the Kata. The purpose of these exercises is not only
to develop power and strength in the body as a whole, but to develop each part
of the body individually to develop full body strength.
In Okinawa Goju- Ryu, we use the following types of Hojo Undo equipment:
Chishi is a kind of stone dumbbell in which the weight is
made of stone or cement which is attached at one end of
a wooden handle. The practitioner grips the opposite end
of the wooden handle relative to the weight. Then you
perform different exercises using the wrist and arm in
movements related to Kata exercises. Chishi strengthens
the wrist, grip, arms, back and chest muscles as well as
the legs as shiko dachi is the most often used stance for
training with chishi.
Makiwara is a board to strike,
and used to improve punches
and strikes with resistance and
hardens the hands and