As for the actual event itself the training has been very well structured and organised in
a way that it will accommodate everyone from 10th Kyu—10th Dan, kids—adults. A
full all grades senior Gasshuku has been arranged with senior black belt training each
morning, after which all grades training with Higaonna Sensei will be held. Following
that three group training sessions with some of the world’s best IOGKF instuctors will
take place where all aspects of the Goju-ryu curriculum will be covered.
Another great addition to this event
is the junior Gasshuku that has been
arranged. All senior instructors who
are teaching at the event, including
Higaonna Sensei, will be teaching the
junior attendees in two group session
classes each day. Children will also
experience the very best of Goju-ryu
during the Gasshuku, an experience
they are sure to never forget.
Two optional specialty seminars have also been organised for after the scheduled training during the Gasshuku. Sensei Linda Marchant, the highest graded female in IOGKF
will be running a special womens only training seminar after Tuesday’s training. After
Thursday’s group sessions, Sensei Torben Svendsen, 6th Dan senior instructor from
Denamrk will be running a specialty class on Saifa Kata and its ‘overlooked’ advanced
movements coupled with realistic Bunkai to match.
Scotland 2014 is set to be one of those
rare IOGKF events that is a once in a life
time opportunity. It will be one of those
events that people will still be talking
about years from now. Experience the
unique Scottish culture and sense of
humour while at the same time learning
from Karates best! See you in Stirling!