InvincibleShe Year Book | Page 10



When I tell people outside India that I live in New Delhi, I get some inevitable questions: 'Do you feel safe there?'” Anindita Sarkar, an Assistant Professor at Delhi University, shares her insights on a sensitive issue of “gender preference”; through her research in demographic transition theory, field work in rural areas. She gives us a disheartening view on patriarchal norms, problems of declining sex ratio, prevalent issue of biased view in the matter of property inheritance, etc.

Swati Kumari, is the contributing Author of and is an author of “Without a goodbye” and “Amayra - The Essence of Life”.

She wrote, “While I was still trying to overcome the two jolts, the second storm hit and devastated my life. It was October 2013, my mom committed suicide.” Swati. She talks about her powerful journey of tremendous setbacks and winning through by making pain and struggle her mission and purpose of life.

Explore, Dream, Discover. Aparna Devi talks about how important it is to travel; to discover a different and broader perspective about life, meet new people and for one’s own experience. “You will start feeling the joy in every little things that had gone unnoticed earlier.” At present Aparna is on sabbatical and has decided to travel and explore new places.

Each story is different, yet something is common and binding with one another. We get attracted to the success of a person, it definitely motivates us. And when we read the trails left by them, their powerful experiences can keep us on toes to introspect about life. We must neither dwell in the past, nor live in the future, but to savor the present moment. If question you may face, “where to, Miss?”; you say, “to the stars!”