Investment Projects, Business Armenia Ski Resort in Vanadzor | Page 14

SKIERS STATISTICS 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Poland Belgium Lebanon Turkey Ukraine Russia Belarus Georgia Iran national skiers 4990 1253 207 807 1114 4275 193 114 799 skier visits 5000 100 350 1200 1400 5935 150 300 500 Gender profile: Adventure tourists are more likely to be men than women and are concentrated at the younger end of the adult age spectrum. However, there has been a steady growth in the proportion of participation among females, who ticked up to 42.6% the past seasons. 4 Age profile: The Alpine tourist age profile roughly stabilized in recent years. Specifically, the average age hovered around 38.5, and the median age has been 38 to 39. This suggests that the industry as a whole is attracting younger participants to replace older ones. 3 In Armenia most alpine tourists are between the ages of 18 and 43 years, with the majority being younger (18-30). 3 4 2014-2015 NSAA National Demographic Study Results 2014-2015 NSAA National Demographic Study Results 13