Investing in Mauritius Property Investing in Mauritius Property | Page 9

CLIMATE 1 that invest on the Mauritian territory, all contribute to the country’s economic prosperity as well as to its strong growth over the past fifteen years. This attractiveness is reflected in a particularly favourable tax regime. The taxes are uniformed and amounted to 15% of the income, without other tax imposed. The dynamism of Mauritius as well as for its inhabitants have strong impacts on the evolution of the country, becoming in few years a stronghold of the Indian Ocean. The country has been modernized in terms of infrastructure (new highways, new airport, ...), and foreigners are more likely willing to settle in Mauritius. The country is now seen both as, the gateway to invest in Africa and the main economic hub of the Indian Ocean, in particular between Asia and Africa. FACILITIES 2 INTEGRATION 3 ECONOMY AND TAXATION 4