Investing in Mauritius Property Investing in Mauritius Property | Page 8

FOUR ELEMENTS W H Y CO M E TO L I V E I N M A U R I T I U S ? Mauritius, ... a welcoming land, a paradisiac island, ... Beyond the clichés and advertising discourse about the beauty of Mauritius, this tiny island in the Indian Ocean features many strengths. From the lifestyle to the economic dynamism, highlight on the reasons why for coming settle yourself in Mauritius. LET’S BEGIN WITH THE MOST OBVIOUS REASON : THE CLIMATE. Mild temperatures all year round, guaranteed sun, an average temperature of 25˚C, without excessive temperature. The humidity is quite high but nothing unbearable. Some geographical advices though. It is best to avoid settling in the capital of the country, Port Louis, as it has an overwhelmed heat and humidity throughout eight months of the year. Also best to avoid the South and the East during the four months winter, as the wind is omnipresent. In the centre of the island, where the main population of Mauritius is concentrated, is not ideal unless you like rain and cold winter; especially in the town of Curepipe. Ideal for smooth, warm climate all year round is undoubtedly the Northern region with the average of 20˚ degrees in winter and 30˚ degrees in summertime. This is also why Grand Baie (main resort North) focuses most expatriates in Mauritius. Warranty climate paradise lifestyle will enable you to do: BBQ all year around a pleasant temperature pool, sea bathing whatever the season, outdoor sports and so on. The life is sweet in Mauritius, but even more in Grand Baie ! FACILITIES Mauritius may well be reachable by a 11 hours flight from France, although the life on the island remains very close to the French one, in addition to its heavenly facet. Indeed, in regards to shopping for instance, you would find the same stores as in Europe. Whether from fashion stores (Celio, Mango...) to groceries (Super U, Monoprix ...), Mauritius offers similar products and brands such as France, with the benefit of spending either the same or less than the usual. Hence, on the cultural side you should not lose your cues. In Grand Bay, an ultra-modern cinema has recently been opened, with 4 rooms offering films in simultaneous release with France and the United States. In regards to sport, activities abound. It is easy to enrol yourself in a football team or in a gym, as there are various different options. Therefore, living in Mauritius would be upset your habits. For those who are curious and eager for discoveries, this little island would not be disappointing either. The sea will push you to discover water sports, paddle and surfing kite, which are two activities particularly popular in the North region of the island. The melting pot of cultures with influences from India, Africa and Asia, Mauritius promises wonderful discoveries, whether musical, artistic or simply on its humanitarian facet. The Mauritians are know for being particularly welcoming and helpful people. INTEGRATION Mauritian people will set no barriers to your integration in the country. The kindness of the people here will, on the contrary, helps you integrate yourself without any difficulties. The mentality is very different from some European countries. Here, the people are rather optimistic; contrary to what distant islands say, Mauritians are very dynamic people. The value of work and respect are well developed throughout the island. This assiduity has enabled Mauritius to become a modern, rapidly developed island that has nothing to envy to the great nations. This strength emanate from its multiculturalism. The local population is made up of people coming from different parts of the world. There are the Creoles who mostly originate from the African continent; the Indians who represents to majority of the people on the island; the Asians, and finally the French that represent 2% of the overall Mauritian population. This strong cultural mix, with different religions, makes Mauritius a community country, with its main feature being the respect between every community. ECONOMY AND TAXATION One of the reasons that account for the current high demand of settling on the Mauritian territory : the economy and taxation (learn more about Mauritius tax benefits). Mauritius is a historically stable country since its independence in 1968. Political regimes are succeeding one another in democratic and transparent ways. The government has put in place effective laws so as to attract many investors worldwide, particularly including effective agreements on non-double taxation with dozens of Western countries, including France. These laws as well as the arrival of foreign companies