Investigating the impacts of ocean acidification in the Southern Ocean - Antarctic Cruise | Page 24

Northern Giant Petrel @ Jeremy Young
By far the most conspicuous part of the wildlife around us are birds , the ship seems to act as a magnet for birds and there is almost always something to look at . So bird-watching has become a prime hobby for all of us . Actually we are mostly far from expert bird-watchers but with the aid of a few good books and telephoto lens it is amazing how fast you can learn . Moreover being on a ship is an unusually good way to do this as we can go from looking at the birds outside to comparing our photographs of them with the identification guides in a few minutes . Also , of course we can swap notes with each other and resident experts such as Mike the radio officer . His blog gives daily lists of birds seen from the ship but for the cruise duration we will try a supplement this with a few notes and photos on what we have seen during the day .
Chinstrap Penguins bouncing round the ship this morning @ Jeremy Young 24