Investigating Sustainability Rose 2013 | Page 13

enough for it to attack and feed the lion itself and its cubs . Also shrubs and big , tall
trees might overgrow because the elephants are not there to eat them . Elephants eat
an estimated 160-320 lbs . of vegetation a day . That is a big number and its daily !
So if elephants were not there to moderate the amount of plants , they might overgrow
and take over some animals ’ habitat .
There were lots of events leading to the decline of elephants . There is only an estimated 50,000 Indian elephants left .
Ivory smuggling is still going on even with
treaties protecting the elephants . Killing these gentle giants is bad and is a mistake .
More people should be aware and try to help . Also , elephants should be protected in
custody . Scientist may be able to protect them . There should be even more global
laws to protect any killing of these animals and we , the people should take action .
So help the elephants !!