Investigating Sustainability Raneiro 2013 | Page 4

" Pollution comes out of landfills in the form of nasty gases , too . you see when the organic material ( banana peels , yard waste , soggy pizza boxes , etc .) in landfills rots , it releases a methane gas ."
When you throw trash or liquids into a dump it releases many gases because of it ’ s oder and rotting . Methane is a greenhouse gas that is very hazardous to inhale and not good for your body to breathe in . dumps are very smelly and dirty places that you probably would not want to be near .... or even live close to .
" This liquid , is called leachate , can seep directly into the ground , contaminating surface water , underground water supplies , and anything else in its path . Contamination of underground water is worse than other kinds of water pollution because we can ' t see it so we have a hard time tracking it ."
The liquid from landfills can seep into the ground and pollute the water with all the animals in it . The liquids in these landfills can be really bad for our environment and make it sticky and it will turn into leachate that will go underground . you can ’ t see this water pollution so it takes a lot of time to track it and find it . This liquid is very bad for people to breathe in . Think about if you lived next to a landfill with all the bad stuff coming out of it and the smells and the noise with the trucks all day long .
Reduce , Reuse , and recycle
" Millions of Americans are familiar with the phrase " reduce , reuse , recycle ." The slogan became popular in the late 1980s , when many people , environmentalists in particular , were sounding the alarm over a perceived waste-disposal crisis ."
When you say these words reduce , reuse , and recycle what do you think of ? In my mind reduce , reuse , and recycle mean that when you recycle something you can reuse it and it reduces the amount of trash we waste in our country . When i recycle something i think most about how can we reuse it ? How can we save it and use it again ? But I always wonder does it go to people that don ’ t have as much as I do ? Where does all the recyclables go ?
My Point Of View
At my school there are many recycle bins , but of course many trash cans . All the teachers encourage all the students each day to recycle , but i don ' t think many kids know exactly where all this trash is going . When you are finished eating at lunch take a couple seconds before you throw away your trash and ask yourself where is all this trash going ? Can this water bottle be recycled ? It could really make this world a better place and help decrease the waste of our natural resource .
“ What we are today is a result of our past actions ; whatever we wish to be in the future depends on our present actions ; decide how you have to act now .