Investigating Sustainability Raneiro 2013 | Page 3

What is the impact that landfills have on our environment ? how does it affect us ?
" The rotting garbage also released significant amounts of methane , a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide , straight into the atmosphere ."
Greasy pizza boxes , nail polish remover , spoiled milk . Those are just three of the billion items that get dumped into the landfills each day . What happens to these items ? do they create bad odors in the atmosphere ? All this garbage can create methane which is a greenhouse gas and is very bad to let out into the atmosphere . When this gas gets released into the atmosphere from all the leaking and rotting foods everybody around the landfill is affected . Landfills , as well , let out leaks into the atmosphere which is something called leachate it is a gooey substance that is let out to pollute the air around us . Think about it , next time you throw something away , Can it be recycled or not ?
How do we waste our resources ?
" How are resources wasted ? Let me count the ways . For starters , there ' s the hundreds and thousands of acres of perfectly good land taken up with landfills ."
Just take one look outside of your bedroom window and look at all the nice land that you have with all the huge trees and plants . Would you like one day having a huge dump of landfill taken up by that space ?
“ Everyday you face a choice of whether to recycle or simply discard an item .”
How are resources being wasted ? Most people when you throw away trash don ’ t think about where it actually goes or how much waste it does to our country and environment . You ’ ve just ordered a large pizza for your family to eat for dinner . Think about how much you are going to need to just eat that pizza . forks , knives , plates , cups . After you ' re done where does it all go ? The smelly greasy pizza box goes right into the garbage and down into the dump . With all the other stuff that you used to eat and have a nice dinner . Theres so much other people too and with all the trash one day our resource will be unable to function anymore .
Landfills foul the air