1 . Commercial Whaling- The capture and killing of whales in an inhumane way . It is normally done out of greed rather than need . 2 . Harpoons- Barbed spears that are now created with explosive heads . 3 . Corsets- The structures that women put under their dresses and tied really tight to make them look thinner . 4 . Baleen- A strong but flexible material found in the mouths of baleen whales ( Whales are divided into two groups- the toothed whales and the baleen whales ), it is used to help whales filter out water in their mouths after they take large gulps of krill .
5 . Extinction- When a species is wiped off the face of the earth and can never be found again . Extinction is FOREVER . It can not be reversed no matter what .
6 . Renegade- A group or person that goes outside or against a normal operation or way of doing things .