Disadvantages vs . Advantages
Ever heard of the word “ vs .” before ? There are disadvantages and advantages for clearing or cutting forests . Most of the disadvantages will affect our future in a very horrible way . The advantages are good reason to clear forest , but if we want to respect the advantages , we have to clear forests wisely .
Disadvantages �
Species Extinction : Throughout the years , special kinds of animals have become extinct . “ Likewise , advocates say , some bird species take refuge in the cavities of burned trees , or build their nests only in trees that have been regenerated by fire . Taking fire out of forests , they say , disrupts natural processes that make them thrive ( Tangley )”. If you cut a tree , you destroyed a bird ’ s home . There are lots of animals that live on or in trees . Squirrels , birds , insects , etc . The animals that live in a tree , want to survive and if their home was taken away , then they won ’ t survive or thrive .
Destroys Ecosystem : Forest Thinning will affect the environment . Commercial logging and any activity to cut trees will destroy the ecosystem . Clearing trees will cause land erosion , defiles rivers , and other bad problems that will destroy ecosystems .
Cost lots of Money : The cost of money for deforestation is huge . “ In fact , opponents of logging say , timber harvests on federal land ultimately cost taxpayers millions of dollars each year , whereas promoting recreational use of the forests would generate a profit ( Tangley )”. This means that timber harvests cost a huge amount of money per year .
� Harms the trees , you , the animals , and the environment : Trees provide the environment , us , animals , and trees life . Advantages �
Cutting trees helps other trees grow : “ Finally , supporters of logging refute claims that logging has a negative impact on the environment , saying that new approaches to cutting trees can actually help forests thrive ( Tangley ).” Say if there was a weed next to a flower . That weed will suffocate the flower , but if you remove the weed the flower will not die . You should cut the dead trees if you want other trees to thrive .
Cut only dead trees or dead branches : the law states that you should only cut trees that are dead or if there are dead branches . But if you cut a tree , plant a new one .
What are the Consequences ?
There are lots of consequences for cutting trees . One of them is Lack of O2 . Lack Of O2
“ Trees produce massive quantities of oxygen ( O 2 ), a vital component of breathable air , and they consume carbon dioxide ( CO 2 ), which is produced by burning fossil fuels ( such as gasoline and oil ) and by animal respiration ( Tangley ).” This means that the trees take in CO2 which is a waste product to us and exhales O2 . O2 is very good for because it helps us live . So , if there were no more trees then there would be less oxygen in the atmosphere and more CO2 .
Global Climate Change
Global Climate Change is when there ’ s more CO2 in the atmosphere and if there ’ s lots of CO2 in the atmosphere then Global Warming is on its way . “ Destruction of the rainforests increases the amount of CO 2 in the Earth ' s atmosphere , both because dead trees cannot absorb CO 2 that is already present , and because burning trees for farmland adds CO 2 to the atmosphere ( Rainforest Destruction ).” If dead trees can ' t absorb CO2 , the amount of CO2 will increase very fast and can cause global warming . So the ice cap will melt fast , the water level rise , and the atmosphere becomes hot . The jet stream might also cause this . And inside the trees there is stored CO2 because trees inhale CO2 . “ When forests are cleared-and their trees are burned and replaced by crops , cattle pastures , or towns-this stored CO2 is released in the form of the gas ( Tangley ).” This means that when the trees are cleared the CO2 is released into the atmosphere .
Species Extinction
Remember that lots of animals live in trees . Types of beautiful birds , wonderful insects , and other animals that live in trees are their homes . But if that animal doesn ’ t have a home like a tree , they will die and if it was the last type of animal , that specie doesn ’ t exist any more . “ Tropical rainforests are home to more than half of the plant and animal species currently known to scientists , and as such they play an integral role in the planet ' s " biodiversity " ( range of life forms ) ( Rainforest Destruction ).” There are a lot more animals in the forests then you think there are . Experts say that every 15 minutes a rainforest species dies . Every 15 minutes ! “ If current deforestation rates do not change , they say , most tropical forests and up to a quarter of all the earth ' s species will be gone forever within the next 25 to 50 years ( Tangley ).” this means that if we don ’ t do something about deforestation ¼ of the species will become extinct . Also , by 2050 , half of the earth ’ s species will die . Animals affect us because some of us love animals and we also eat types of animals .
What Are The Solutions ?