protection , supplies , and food .
If Trees Are So Important , Why Do We Destroy Them ?
Every year , more than 50 million acres of trees are destroyed . If we are cutting trees , why do we cut them down ? “ One answer is that rainforests are being lost to commercial logging , agriculture , cattle ranching , and development projects such as dams , roads , and mines ... These forces include overpopulation , poverty , hunger , unfair land distribution , and huge debts that most development countries that have rainforests owe to industrialized countries such as the United States ( Tangley ).” This is why we are cutting trees . To make way for roads , mines , and dams . However , there are other reasons why trees are destroyed . Some of those reasons will surprise you because some of them are good reasons to cutting trees .
Poor Conditions
Trees are crowded together which causes trees to be in a poor condition . “ Proponents of forest thinning say that today ' s federal woodlands are both overcrowded and in poor shape (“ Forest Management ”)” This means that trees are in bad condition because trees are crowded . I somewhat agree to this . Think of it like a weed is taking over a flower ' s space . All flowers need space in order to breathe and live . But if a weed is in that flower ’ s way , the flower might die because weeds suffocate flowers . So if trees are in other trees way , the trees might suffocate to . This is one of the reasons why we cut trees . In a way , we are saving trees , but not the one we cut .
Development Projects
As I mentioned before , some of the reasons of why trees are cut down are for making ways for roads , mines , dams , farms , and other developing projects . “ Some of the most massive rainforest losses occur when developing tropical nations launch huge development projects-such as hydroelectric dams that flood hundreds of square miles of forest or road networks that open previously inaccessible forest to industry and settlement ( Tangley ).” This means forests are cleared to make way for roads and dams . One time , when I was riding in the car on a highway , I saw a new highway construction area . A lot of trees were cleared to make the road . These projects need to be done elsewhere . They can ’ t be done where forests are . Even projects to save trees didn ’ t work ! In Brazil , a lot of rainforests disappeared and a company decided to save the other rainforests . It didn ’ t improve or work well . “ More than 20 million acres of tropical rainforest , an area about the size of South Carolina , are cleared each year to make way for farms ( Tangley )”. That ’ s a lot of land to make farms . Don ’ t you think we have enough farms in America ? Not really , so we need to clear the forests to make way for farms .
Supporting Your Family
Some farmers don ’ t have enough money to buy food for their family and pay for the farm . So , farmers are forced to cut the trees if they want their crops to grow good and healthy . Trees are blocking the soil that corps need . “ Most farmers in tropical nations say they must clear the forests for land in order to support their families . As it is , these farmers point out , they barely grow enough food or make enough money to survive . If a ban were placed on deforestation , they fear , they would certainly starve ( Tangley ).” This means if farmers refuse to clear the forest , the family will starve to death . It important to support your family , but it ’ s also important to save the trees . Which one is more important ?
Forest Thinning
Forest thinning is when you cut trees that are dead and burn them . There is a law that states you should only cut trees that are dead or cut the dead branches . This is important to know because if you cut dead branches of a tree , you ’ re giving life to the tree . Think of a dead limb on your body like your leg . Say your leg stop circulating . What happens next ? The stopping of the circulation travels thru your whole body and if it reaches to the heart , you die . Same with the trees . If you cut a dead tree , you let other plants or trees grow . But throughout the years , forest thinning didn ’ t help the forests . Because the population of the forests decreased .
Commercial Logging
“ Every year , more than 12 million acres of tropical forest-an area the size of New Hampshire and Vermont-are cut for timber , paper pulp , and other wood products ( Tangley ).” This means that forests were cut to make timber , paper pulp , and other wood supply . Wood supply is important to us , but so are trees . We need wood supply to make houses , furniture , etc . But , 12 million acres per year ! That ’ s a lot of waste of land . If we want wood supply we need to use the forests wisely so we can survive .