How did Invert to Alert emerged?
every good project must keep its secrets, but...
... there are some important points behind Invert to Alert creation
... having 20 euros from the European Commission and not using them in a proper way was considered as a economical waste
... as in many countries, in Estonia, the gap between people with disabilities and people without disablities was significant. We don’t know each others, we don’t deal with each others and, the most important of all, we don’t want to know about each others
... the concept of disability turned to be very personal and subjective. If we look deeply into the issue, everyone of us have some kind of disability. So, why should we feel different from each others? And if we relativize our notions of majorities and minorities, realities become pretty different. Maybe we don’t want to enter in disabled people’s worlds, because we are afraid of feeling disabled there.
How many of us are disabled to read Braille, to use ramps instead of stairs, to use a weelchair or to understand sign language? How many of us are disabled to remain in silence for 10 hours?