INVERT TO ALERT Jun. 2013 | Page 16

how de tai led!


- 9th February 2012, saturday

A photography workshop was developped by people who speak different languages: Estonian, English and Estonian sign language. The goal was to put people with distinct backgrounds and languages communicating and working together.

After sharing theoritical and practical concepts about photography, the participants went to the streets of Tallinn to take pictures of sounds. „How is the sound of anger? And of trust? What about the sound of a bus?“ The results appeared one hour later and ended up in an exhibition in Vabaduse Väljak tunnel gallery.

The workshop was directed by Gaia Zuffa (photographer and volunteer in Estonian Unesco Youth Organization) and organized in cooperation with Estonian Deaf Organization for Youth (that guaranteed the presence of a sign language translator).

- 3 – 29th March – nine pictures resulting from the workshop were exhibited in the tunnel that gives access to Vabaduse Väljak.

At the same time, everyday, the big TV screen in the square showed a sign language video with a message about sound and hearing from the perspective of a deaf person:

In the opening of the exhibition, information was distributed through flyers and volunteers interacted with the passersby.

Estonian Broadcast Channel covered the action:

A video was made during the opening: