INVERT TO ALERT Jun. 2013 | Page 13


::: main platforms :::

1 information on spot

distributing flyers and quizzes /// information shared through photography, posters, video and text /// „vox pop“ – collecting interviews on spot in order to enhance interaction with the audience

2 movie making and photographic report

recording the action is not only a proof that it happened but also - and mostly - an opportunity to use the information as an engine for subsequent actions. At the same time, video and photography make it possible to spread the action through new channels and to reach more people

3 cooperation with local, regional, national and international partners

not only because two heads think better than one, but also for a matter of reputation, establishing a strong partnership net is one of the basis of a good project. The more recognized organisations work together, more serious, reliable and responsible seems the action, a fact which raises the probability of getting more attention, support and success.

Invert to Alert worked in partnership with:

Tallinna Puuetega Inimeste Koda

Humana – Estonia


Viru Keskus

Euroopa Noored


Estonian Deaf Association

Estonian Deaf Organization for Youth

Põhja-Eesti Autismi Liit

Tallinn University

Tallinn government

Estonian Unesco Youth Association