Introduction to Mindfulness_349810_bookemon_ebook.pdf Coaching and Practising Mindfulness | Page 12
There has been an explosion of interest in mindfulness among
psychotherapists and health care practitioners.
Training courses in mindfulness for people with either physical and
mental health problems have been established throughout the world.
These courses, generally involve 2-3 hour group meetings that occur
weekly over an 8-week period. Participants learn to bring mindfulness
meditation and basic Yoga exercises into their everyday lives and the
impact of these practices on their health is carefully recorded.
Research findings have concluded, time and time again, that when
some people practice mindfulness regularly, there are measurable
positive changes in their lives.
People who suffer chronic pain become able to deal with this
without medication;
People prone to repeated episodes of severe depression stop
relapsing, without the aid of medication.
People with high levels of stress and tension learn to bring down
their anxiety levels and enjoy a much better quality of life.
Studies in the States have also demonstrated the potential of
Vispassna meditation and mindfulness-based programs in relapse
prevention for people with addiction disorders (Marlatt et al.,
(Source: The Mindfulness Program by TONY BATES and FAYE
SCANLAN For Headstrong, the National Centre for Youth Mental
Time to find out for myself, I thought. So, please join me on this
exploration tour and experience with me!