InTouch with Southern Kentucky April 2020 | Page 24
outside air.
When the forecast calls for sunny,
dry days, those are the days of the
highest pollen count. Days that we
have rain and showers are the low-
est pollen count.
Here are just a few tips to keep
you and your nose in check this
pollen season:
When washing clothes, try not to
dry clothes and bedding outdoors.
Be sure to wash your face and
hands after you’ve been outside to
remove pollen.
Take a shower or bath daily before
going to bed to remove pollen from
hair and skin.
Be sure to bathe your four-legged
friends as dogs and even cats can
attract pollen.
Keep your sunglasses handy! This
will protect your eyes from pollen.
Change filters frequently with a
high efficiency furnace filter.
Keep humidity in the home below
24 • I n T ouch with S outhern K entucky
50 percent.
One of the best ways to manage
spring allergy symptoms is to see
a board-certified allergist, who can
help to create a tailored treatment
plan, which may involve starting
medicines before the season begins
and immunotherapy.
“OTC (over the counter) antihis-
tamines and nasal sprays may help
initially but over time, efficacy will
fade,” Dr. Bozeman said. “These
medications will have to be taken
each season and in some cases,
year round. An allergy specialist can
help tailor therapy, help guide pa-
tients on what specifically to avoid,
and discuss options of modifying
the immune response in order to
have more likelihood of controlling
symptoms while reducing the need
of medications. Allergy injections
can have long lasting, beneficial
effects and in some patients even
provide a cure.”
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