InTouch with Southern Kentucky April 2020 | Page 22

Health HAVE YOU HEARD? Free HEARING TEST!! Call Us Today! Allergy sufferers will get hit hard this spring beautiful season for the region. But if you have allergies, the season can be the most miserable as well. That et ready for yet anoth- won’t be changing this year as the er over-loaded pollen spring days ahead are forecast to be season. According to warmer than normal for much of the AccuWeather’s annual country. forecast, south- “Milder winters can cause central Kentucky can expect trees to start blooming above average yields of pol- earlier than usual and there- len this spring. Why? We’ve fore the pollen season lasts had a warm and wet winter. longer,” Dr. Sarah Bozeman, Warm winters mean lon- a board-certified allergist ger growing seasons. The with Family Allergy & Asth- upside of that is farmers ma, said. “Factors include having more days to grow temperature, humidity, soil food. It also means more Sarah Bozeman moisture, soil radiation and days for flowers and trees to carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. pollinate. Many experts believe that climate Without doubt, the trees and flow- change is playing a large role.” ers in bloom make spring the most BY JANIE SLAVEN COMMONWEALTH JOURNAL G 22 • I n T ouch with S outhern K entucky  606-678-4010 Trusted Service Since 1964 Roses Shopping Center Somerset, KY We also have a location in London, KY “B est H earing a ids ” 2019 CJ r eaders ’ C HoiCe a wards A llison C ummins -C Aruso KY 0945/102760 M arch 2020